Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Today was what I call a "just about as perfect as it gets" kind of day. We tried a new church today and I really liked it. It is the same church that Carter has played Upwards for and Landon went to VBS there last week. I have been wanting to try it because it had that "everybody knows everybody" feel to it and it is on the other side of the highway and it makes you feel like you are in the country. The VBS kids got to get up on the stage today and sing...that would be all of them EXCEPT Landon. He practiced his songs all week (cd was provided by the church), but every day he practiced he followed it with "I am NOT getting on the stage" and when it came down to walking on the stage, Landon refused to walk up the steps. He just stood there. Oh well, I guess I will not beat myself up that I didn't bring the camera.

After church, we went to Pizza Inn because we had two free kids buffet coupons (thanks to VBS) and thank goodness the kids machines were all turned off. Why can't every place do that? I hate when you walk into a restaurant and all you want to do is eat but you can't because you are either a. digging for change or b. watching your kids throw fits because you refuse to give them more money.

The rest of the day was spent getting haircuts, cleaning house and Rich cooking awesome ribs!

I have some pics to upload, so I will try and post some pictures tomorrow night.

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