So when you have to resort to putting clips in your child's hair so that they can see, it is time to go get their hair cut!
Boo did so good. He was a little squirmy because there was so much to look at! We only got his bangs trimmed.
The best part is that he still has his sweet curls! Love him!!
Why do babies have to grow up? Knowing that Bennett is my last, make me REALLY want to freeze time. It really is depressing walking through the baby department and realizing your child has outgrown that stuff...especially since my 10 month old is wearing 18-24 months (still fitting into some 12-18)! are his 10 month pictures. It goes without saying, he is my sweet, sweet baby. He is the perfect fit to our family and I thank God every day that my family is complete with 3 beautiful, smart, funny and HEALTHY boys.