Here are some of the adorable things Bennett is up to these days...
1. Waves Hi and Bye
2. Says "Da Da" and "Bubba"
3. Crawls FAST
4. Pulls himself up on everything
5. Puts EVERYTHING in his mouth
6. Eats about 30 oz of formula a day
7. Eats 2 fruits and 2 veggies a day
8. Loves Gerber puffs and his new favorites are Mum Mums. He even tries to say Mum Mum but it comes out with a B instead.
9. Takes 2 naps a day, both being about 1 1/2-2 hours long.
10. Sleeps from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
11. My FAVORITE part of the day is when I give him his last bottle and he will lay his head on my shoulders. Then he will raise his head and look at me and give me the cheesiest, sleepiest grin ever. Then he passes out! I look forward to this moment all day.
12. LOVES to clap. If he hears someone 2 rooms over say "Yay", Bennett always starts clapping.
13. Recently perfected the art of drinking from a sippy cup. It just took me finding the right ones.
14. ABSOLUTELY, 100% ADORES his brothers.